Congratulations to Marek Jelínek, Ricardo Situmeang and Chama Theodore Ketuama, who all passed their State Exam on 11.6.2021!

Congratulations to Marek Jelínek, Ricardo Situmeang and Chama Theodore Ketuama, who all passed their State Exam on 11.6.2021!

Phd students from Biogas Research Team Ing. Marek Jelínek, MA Ricardo Situmeang and Dipl.Ing. Chama Theodore Ketuama, MSc. all passed successfully their State Exams.

Members of Biogas Research Team under the guidance of Group leader Dr. Hynek Roubík, Dr. Jana Mazancová and prof. Jan Banout are working on various topics related to biogas technology.

Marek is working on Assessment of Different Designs of Small-scale Biogas Plants.

Ricardo is working on Socio-technical and Socio-economic assessment of small-scale biogas plants in the developing world through multi-criteria decision analysis: an evidence from Indonesia.

Chama is working on the topic of Understanding the viability and sustainable transition pathways of small-scale biogas technology in Cameroon.


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