Our newly launched online MSc degree programme offers students from all over the world the opportunity to specialise in Tropical Agroecology!
The newly launched Horizon EU project AGRIGEP contributes to creating equal opportunities for all through responsive Gender Equality Plans & Inclusive Action at Agriculture and Life Science Universities.
Professor Jan Šobotník brings us fresh news from his field campaign - this time from Gabon! Along with his colleagues prof. David Sillam-Dusses a MS.C. Caroline Hoegh-Guldberg, he conducted a fieldwork, and as he puts it, there was plenty to discover. After a few days in the capital city, Libreville—where the team met many interesting people - they explored several forest fragments accessible by taxi from the city. These forests, despite their location, are surprisingly well preserved. Obtaining all the necessary research permits proved to be quite the challenge, but thanks to the team's perseverance - especially prof. David Sillam-Dusses (a professor of ethology from Paris) - they managed to navigate the process successfully. The second part of their stay was spent in Ivindo National Park, near Makokou, at the Ipassa Research Station. There, they learned that the renowned entomologist Pierre-Paul Grassé conducted long-term research at the same station in 1960’s.
The Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences cordially invites all students and academic staff to a scientific seminar, offering a fascinating insight into molecular biology and its practical applications.
Date: February 13, 2025 Time: 14:00–15:30 Location: FTZ, Room 116 + online streaming
What will the seminar cover?
Molecular biology has become one of the most powerful tools in modern science. Techniques such as PCR, genome sequencing, and bioinformatics are now widely used in research, medicine, agriculture, and disease diagnostics.
During the seminar, you will learn:
Our keynote speaker, Petr "SiDi" Stiblík from NGS GEEKS, will guide you through the history and present-day applications of molecular methods, showing how the world of genetics has transformed over the last few decades.
The online stream will be accessible via the QR code provided in the invitation.
We look forward to seeing you!
Vladimír Verner has recently successfully passed the habilitation procedure at the Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences. His research has been dedicated to exploring the potential of integrating value chains that consider the unique characteristics of local plant species with the goal of promoting sustainable farming systems and effective strategies for poverty alleviation.
Co-founder of Qazaqseeds s.r.o. and Economist and Specialist in the PR
University research associate, CZU
Associate Professor at the Faculty of Pharmaceutical and Biological Sciences, University of Montpellier
Laboratory Research Specialist, Gorilla Conservation
Dean of Graduate School at Royal University of Agriculture (RUA) in Cambodia
Coordinator of PlantLink, Sweden
Research Fellow, Mountain Societies Research Institute (MSRI), University of Central Asia, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic
Assistant Professor of Environmental and Applied Botany, University of Gastronomic Sciences, Pollenzo – Bra, Italy
A researcher and consultant in Carboneg
Head of the Bohemian Switzerland National Park
Current Secretary General of Agrinatura
Researcher at the division of Plant Physiology and Cryobiology
Founder of True Shiitake
Spokeperson, public relations issues, education - Safari Park Dvůr králové
Manager for regional technical support, Behn Meyer Gmbh and Intracare BV
Operations manager, Odzala-Kokoua NP, African Parks
Research Associate, Myanmar Development Institute (MDI)
Curator of mammals, ZOO Brno
former Minister, Ministry of Agriculture and Natural resource, Ethiopia
Former Secretary General of Agrinatura
Project Manager, The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
Deputy minister of the Section of Common Agricultural and Piscatorial Politics of the EU, MA CR
Product Manager, Farmet, a.s.
Project Coordinator, Diaconia of the ECHCB
Content Development Supervisor, University of California
Postdoctoral fellow, The Czech Academy of Sciences
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