Three post-doc scientists (f_m_x) in multiscale soil erosion and soil degradation monitoring in Europe

The Department of Science at Rome Tre University, Italy, is looking for three (3) highly motivated and talented researchers with experience on Soil Erosion, Earth Surface Processes Modelling or Remote Seinsing that will contribute to the theme “Soil Erosion Monitoring” at the BorrelliLAB.

The three (3) post-doc positions are offered as type-A temporary research fellow (Italian RTDA). According to Rome Tre university rules, these are three years post-doc positions each for research with max 70 hours of supporting teaching per year. The gross salary will be about 50,000 euro per year. The net salary after tax for researchers (Italians or foreigners) coming with at least two years of academic experience outside Italian universities will be around 2,600 euro net for 14 monthly payment (including social security, pension and health insurance). The BorrelliLAB is a highly result oriented Lab with a broad international network but also a family friendly environment. Despite the core time office activity during the brainstorming and teaching period, which will mostly take place in presence, researchers can opt for prolonged periods of flexible home office or other detached activities. Regular technical and brainstorming meetings will be held twice per week via web. Therefore, the presence at the office in Rome all year around is not required.

Find more in attached file.

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