International Credit Mobility: cooperation between Czech Republic and Cameroon

Under this project, the CZU has started cooperation with Dschang University (DU). The exchange of students and staff between these two institutions is a priority for quality assurance in education and research and the internationalisation of both HEI. The project activities will contribute to the improvement of courses (modern teaching methods and inspirations related to the equipment and infrastructure) and research focusing on agricultural and environmental sciences with a focus on small-scale biogas technology (one of the research priorities for FTA and Renewable Energy Laboratory at DU) and through direct participation of mobile staff and students. The mobile students will become a part of Biogas Research Team and will participate in all its research and education activities. The mobile staff will participate in relevant courses, provide special lectures and seminars, meet local staff and discuss cooperation on education and research activities.

In total, there will be organised 5 mobilities divided as:

Incoming mobilities, from DU to CZU:

  • 3 Staff for 14 days for teaching (STA)  
  • 2 student mobility - PhD – 4 months of stay (SMS)

Outgoing mobilities, from CZU to DU:

  • 2 Staff for 10 days for teaching (STA)   

Available scholarships:

Subsistence costs (flat rate):

  • Incoming students to the CR: 800 EUR / month
  • Incoming staff to the CR: 140 EUR / day (1.-14. day)

Travel costs:

In addition to the subsistence costs, a transport allowance is added, which is graded according to the distance between the domestic institution and the place of stay abroad. It is paid once for whole mobility (for travel to and back).

For Cameroon, the travel scholarship is 1500 EUR / participant.

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