Traineeship offer - 2022 International Parliamentary Scholarship (IPS) Applications Open

We are sharing with you a traineeship offer - 2022 International Parliamentary Scholarship (IPS) Applications Open – Apply by July 31, 2021!

All information can be found HERE.


Following a year of hardship, including unprecedented disruptions to the international exchange landscape, we are looking forward to a gradual return to normalcy. Realizing that intercultural exchange lives from direct encounters, the German Bundestag has announced the return to a fully in-person International Parliamentary Scholarship (IPS) program in Berlin in 2022. The application deadline is July 31, 2021.


In collaboration with Berlin’s three major universities, the German federal parliament offers the prestigious IPS program to politically engaged college graduates from around 50 countries,  who wish to play an important role in shaping the future of democratic cooperation—in their respective countries, and internationally.


The IPS program allows participants to gain first-hand knowledge of Germany’s parliamentary system and political decision-making process during a three-month work placement with a Member of the German Parliament. Participants also take part in a rich educational program with the German political foundations and have the chance to enroll in university classes, spending a total of five months in the German capital (March 1 through July 31, 2022).

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