Register to GFAR Talks II - The Ukraine conflict & the global agrifood system: implications for Africa and beyond

You are invited to the 2nd instalment of the GFAR Talks webinar series, showcasing informed debates on challenging and provocative topics related to agrifood system transformation. Organized in collaboration with YPARD and moderated by Prof. Sayed Azam-Ali OBE, this edition of GFAR Talks will feature speakers Dr. Yemi Akinbamijo (Executive Director, FARA) and Kristina Kuznetsova (YPARD Ukraine Representative) who will discuss "The Ukraine conflict and the global agrifood system: implications for Africa and beyond".

When: Tuesday, 17th May

Time: 1300 - 1400 CET

Where: Virtually via Zoom. Please register here:

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