Nigeria: Farmers satisfaction towards agricultural extension services

Last Spring, our PhD candidate Pius Hiwe went to Oyo State, Nigeria to collect data for his dissertation thesis. His research explores agricultural extension in Nigeria with a focus on farmers’ participation, and satisfaction with extension services. Furthermore, the study also examines job satisfaction of those providing rural advisory and extension services.

The survey was conducted with the collaboration of the Department of Agricultural Economics at Ibadan University, and with the support of Oyo State Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.

The data was collected over the course of four weeks, but before that, Pius was involved in intensive preparations for the survey where he met people from the local institutions and university, data enumerators, data entry specialists and key informants. Furthermore, questionnaires for both groups of respondents – farmers, extension and rural advisory workers – were revamped to suit the present reality and cultural context. Also, due to the current civil unrest and security challenges in the study site, some specific villages, Local Government Areas (LGAs) and extension circles were excluded from the survey.

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