
Pozvánka na obhajobu dizertační práce Ing. Abubakar Sadiq Musa

Zveme Vás na obhajobu dizertační práce Ing. Abubakar Sadiq Musa na téma “Effects of routine Handling in the husbandry of common eland ” (Katedra chovu zvířat a potravinářství v tropech, obor Tropical Agrobiology and Bioresource Management). Obhajoba práce proběhne dne: 7.5.2024 od 12 hod v zasedací místnosti č. 401 (budova FTZ).

In the global wildlife enterprise, there is a growing opportunity for intensified game farming, particularly with species like common eland (Taurotragus oryx). Thus, success in intensification relies heavily on the ability to handle these large bovids effectively while maintaining their welfare. In light of this, the present study examines methods and factors affecting the ease of handling, social interaction, and overall harmony of common eland in an intensive management system, crucial for animal welfare. Two research studies led to the entirety of the present study: One evaluated the effects of routine handling and immunocastration on temperament during handling, social behaviour and activity budgets of eland, finding minimal impact; the other studied the effect of routine handling and social dominance on blood biochemistry, noting no effect on social rank but some stress-related changes. Overall, routine handling led to a gradual improvement in temperament over time while immunocastration ameliorated agonistic behaviour in the studied animals with minimal effect on their activity. Although there is optimism for integrating common eland into intensive game production, further research is needed to understand the impact of traditional husbandry management on their welfare and productivity.

Pozvánka na online webinář

ACCTING (AdvanCing behavioral Change Through an INclusive Green Deal) představuje znalosti a inovace s cílem podpořit změny v chování v souvislosti s inkluzí a rovnoprávností v rámci Evropské zelené dohody.  

Pozvánka na obhajobu dizertační práce Rohita Bharati

Zveme Vás na obhajobu dizertační práce Ing. Rohita Bharati na téma “Exploring the Potential of In-vitro Polyploidization for Genetic Improvement of Medicinal Plants” (Katedra tropických plodin a agrolesnictví, Tropical Agrobiology and Bioresource Management). Obhajoba práce proběhne dne: 24.4.2024 od 10 hod v zasedací místnosti č. 313 (budova FTZ).

The thesis delves into the significance of medicinal plants throughout human history and the challenges faced in their breeding and research due to time and resource constraints. It proposes synthetic polyploidization as a viable solution to expedite the breeding process and enhance the traits of medicinal plants. The study focuses on several important medicinal plant species, including spearmint, lemon balm, basket plant, and mini melon, along with Vitis spp., employing in vitro polyploidization techniques. Through the application of oryzalin, the study successfully induced polyploidy in the selected plants, resulting in significant variations in various characteristics compared to their progenitor genotypes. These findings underscore the potential of synthetic polyploidization in genetic enhancement, offering a pathway for the accelerated development of medicinal plant cultivars with improved therapeutic properties. The research contributes valuable insights to bridging the gap between traditional breeding methods and innovative approaches for sustainable medicinal plant cultivation and utilization.

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