Newsflash April 2019: Call for Papers EAAE Congress August 2020

The Local Organising Committee (two members from FTA) cordially invites you to the 16th Congress of the European Association of Agricultural Economists, EAAE. 

The Congress will take place in Prague – Czech Republic, from Tuesday, August 25until Friday, August 28, 2020. 

Raising the Impact of Agricultural Economics: Multidisciplinarity, Stakeholder Engagement and Novel Approaches

The food system faces the challenge of feeding a growing and increasingly prosperous population while respecting planetary boundaries and addressing multiple societal demands. In this context, the expectations placed on scientists, including agricultural economists, by policy-makers, research-funding bodies, academic institutions, the private sector and civil society are changing. Knowledge creation, the provision of policy advice and formulation of general recommendations are no longer sufficient on their own. Instead, the societal impact of the profession needs to be amplified by demonstrating and communicating effectively the outcomes of research. 

How then can we, as a profession, raise our impact and contribute more effectively to the resolution of important societal challenges? This is the question analysed during the congress by exploring several promising avenues. Improvements in methodologies and new sources of data create opportunities for generating new impact and measuring societal outcomes more accurately. Sustained interactions with other disciplines in the natural and social sciences hold promises to enhance our understanding of complex systems and phenomena. Effective stakeholder engagement is crucial to identify relevant issues, develop appropriate solutions and ensure the use of scientific knowledge in decision-making throughout society. 

The XVI EAAE Congress aims to foster discussion of those issues and stimulate interaction among scholars, businesses, policy makers and representatives from civil society, which will eventually improve farming and life in Europe and beyond. 

The Local Organising Committee and Programme Committee are striving to arrange a stimulating and innovative programme consisting of keynote plenary presentations complemented by a variety of sessions (invited panels, organised sessions, contributed papers, organised panels, posters) and field trips. In particular, we encourage policy makers, representatives from civil society and agribusiness to contribute through organised panels, which have a free format and do not require the submission of scientific papers. We hope that the XVI EAAE Congress in Prague will provide an interactive platform for researchers and representatives from non-academic institutions.

Call for papers, sessions and posters

Contributed papers and posters as well as organised sessions/panels are welcome from all fields of agricultural, food, environmental and rural economics, as well as related disciplines.

The deadlines for submission are:

  • Contributed papers: January 31, 2020
  • Organised sessions: March 15, 2020
  • Organised panels: March 15, 2020
  • Posters: April 1, 2020

Templates and guidelines for submission will be available at   from June 2019 onward.

The Board of the EAAE has decided to stimulate participation of new members from European lower- and middle-income countries by supporting grants of 300 € per person. The LOC invites applications with a letter of motivation. New members from the following countries are eligible to apply: Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, FYR Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russian Federation, Serbia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Turkey, Ukraine. More information can be obtained from the website.

The LOC is also in negotiations with the FAO to obtain financial support for presenters from non-OECD countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia. The application procedure will be published on the congress website as soon as the budget has been agreed.

Pre-Congress Symposia

The Local Organising Committee offers the possibility of organising pre-congress symposia on Monday, August 24 and Tuesday, August 25, 2020. In particular, it welcomes sessions from international project consortia, international organisations, stakeholder groups and sponsoring organisations or companies. Further information and conditions can be obtained by e-mail from or, in due course, from the congress website.


Meeting rooms

The Local Organising Committee offers suitable meeting rooms for associations, organisations or project consortia wishing to take advantage of the congress to organise meetings. Details can be obtained by e-mail from and will be made available from the website in due course.

Local Organising Committee

Lukáš Čechura (chair, CZU Prague)

Tomáš Ratinger (co-chair, Technology centre)

Ludmila Pánková (CZU Prague)

Renata Aulová (CZU Prague)

Miroslav Svatoš (CZU Prague)

Milan Houška (CZU Prague)

Miroslava Bavorová (CZU Prague)

Petr Benda (CZU Prague)

Ľubica Bartová (SUA Nitra)

Ladislav Jelínek (IAEI Prague)


Submission of Contributions and Registration

The submission of contributions, pre-registration and registration will be managed through ConfTool Pro, via the Congress website Registration will require a valid EAAE membership. Pre-registration, besides the Congress social media and newsletter, guarantees up-to-date information about deadlines and the congress itself.


More information coudl be find HERE.

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