Nurture your passion for sustainable agriculture with our online programme, apply now!

Are you interested in growing your knowledge and advancing your professional career in sustainable food and agriculture systems? Are you looking for flexibility in your education that allows you to pursue a professional career from the comfort of your home? Then our online Master’s Degree Programme on Tropical Agroecology is for you.

Tropical Agroecology focuses on the study of interactions between plants, animals, humans and the environment within wider tropical and subtropical agricultural systems, taking into account the socio-economic aspects needed to develop sustainable and equitable food systems that support the Sustainable Development Goals. Agroecology combines science with traditional practices to provide long-term solutions to agricultural issues that empower local communities and producers.

The programme is designed for part-time study, combining online contact teaching with self-study, which allows students the flexibility to pursue their professional career whilst advancing their education from anywhere in the world.

In courses, students will learn about the role and application of agroecology in tropical and subtropical farming systems, how to design and conduct scientific research in the field of agroecology, and be capable of professional consulting and management related to agroecological farming practices under subtropical and tropical conditions.

Read more about the programme here.

Read more about the application procedure here

Language of tuition: English
Duration: two years (four semesters)
Tuition: 110 000 CZK per academic year (approx. 4600 EUR)
Format: online study
Credits: 120 ECTS
Starting date: October of each year

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