Forum for Agriculture is coming up on May 18, 2022 in CZU AULA organized by Forum for the Future of Agriculture with our expert, Assoc. Prof. Miroslava Bavorova as a speaker on session 2 ( starting at 12: 10), tackling the theme of „Integrating climate mitigation and biodiversity regeneration in food system transformation.“

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Forum for Agriculture is coming up on May 18, 2022, organized by

Dr. Miroslava Bavorová, Associate Professor, Department of Economics and Development, Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences at Czech University of Life Sciences Prague

  • She received her PhD in agriculture from the University of Göttingen. Since 2002, she has held a position as a researcher at IAMO in Halle and since 2008-2017 at the Martin-Luther University in Halle-Wittenberg.
  • Her research is interdisciplinary and mainly based on economic, sociologic, and psychologic theories.
  • She is interested in analysing actors’ behaviour regarding the environment, food safety and security, migration and willingness to work in agriculture, as well as consumer behaviour.
  • She established a research group '“Behavioural studies in agri-food sector'”.

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