Improving the quality of teaching at Bamyan University

Project Coordinator: Michel Kolaříková
Project Team: Petr Hutla, Tomáš Ratinger, Iva Kučerová, Martin Kolařík, Vladimír Krepl
Partners: Univerzita Bamyan
Donor: Česká rozvojová agentura
Duration of the Project: 2017 - 2018
Budget: 3 160 000,- Kč


The project responds to the needs and priorities of Afghan education. It focuses on increasing the level and expertise of higher education through the transfer of know-how between the Czech University of Agriculture in Prague and the University of Bamyan, represented by the Faculty of Agriculture. The intention will be achieved through the direct work of Czech teachers and management at FA UB. The aim of the project is to strengthen the quality of the main areas of activity of the education system - research, pedagogical and international. This will be achieved through the implementation of activities in the field of the educational process, which are aimed at improving the qualifications of teachers, improving teaching using modern methods, teaching a comprehensive block course, providing the necessary material equipment of the faculty. In the field of science and research - by analyzing the current state and strengthening R&D capacities. In the international area, the project activities are focused on organizing a workshop on the possibilities of studying abroad, analysis of the current state and priorities of international relations; an international documentary film festival will be arranged. Within the project, a laboratory of pedagogy (LP) and a scientific research laboratory (VVL) of publishing skills will be built.

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