Granting of Scholarships at the Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences of the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague for Bachelors’ and Masters’ study Programmes
(1) General scholarships rules of the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague can be found HERE and HERE.
(2) Information on scholarships for students from developing countries provided by the Czech government can be found HERE. Additional scholarships for studying in the Czech Republic are available HERE and HERE.
(3) Scholarships relating to study by foreigners arriving within the context of international agreements are dealt with in such agreements. This Regulation does not apply to these students.
Scholarships of Achievement
(1) Students may receive a Scholarship of Achievement of 1,500 CZK per month for outstanding academic results.
(4) A Scholarship of Achievement is awarded to students on the basis of the academic results of the preceding academic year if the conditions set out in Article 2 (3) of this Regulation are met, specifically:
a) students in Bachelor's degree programmes:
- in the 2nd year, according to the results achieved for the first year,
- in the 3rd year, according to the results achieved for the 2nd year,
- after completing the study plan of the 3nd year according to the results for the 3nd year.
b) students of Master’s degree programmes:
- in the 2nd year, according to the results achieved for the first year,
- after completing the study plan of the 2nd year, according to the results for the 2nd year.
(5) Entitlement to be granted a Scholarship of Achievement arises for full-time students who fulfil the following conditions:
a) in the respective academic year they were students of the Faculty, did not interrupt their study or repeat the year; in the case of internships, they fulfilled the conditions given by the relevant study plan,
b) did not exceed an average grade in their studies of 1.2 throughout the respective academic year, and at the same time received no grade of "good" in any subject,
d) did not repeat subjects of any previous year and at the same time successfully completed all the subjects prescribed for them in the respective academic year, and
e) did not commit a disciplinary offense which was investigated by the Disciplinary Board of the Faculty (or CZU) during the academic year reviewed.
Payment of Scholarships of Achievement
(1) Scholarships of Achievement are paid from the Faculty Scholarship Fund from the amount allocated to them in the course of preparing the Faculty's Annual Budget.
(2) A scholarship is paid up to a maximum of the sum listed in paragraph 1 of this article.
(3) A payment is made for each month of tuition commenced, i.e. 9 months.
(4) Payments are paid in one-time bank transfer to the student's account; the student is obliged, in accordance with Article 9 (1) of the Scholarship Regulations of the CZU, to state the number of the bank account for the payment of his or her scholarships during enrolment, by inserting this number within the information system of the CZU; the student is obliged to update this information in the CZU information system for the payment of his or her scholarships without unnecessary delay in the case of changing bank account number.
(5) In exceptional cases, the scholarship may be paid in cash at the Dean’s decision.
(6) Procedures for granting the Scholarship of Achievement shall in the first instance be a matter for the Faculty. These procedures shall be initiated by the Dean on the basis of compliance with the conditions laid down by the law, this Code and the Scholarship Rules of the CZU, and the announcement of the decision is the first act in this procedure.
(7) If it emerges that the scholarship has been unduly paid to the student, the student is obliged to return the scholarship so provided on the basis of a written request from the Faculty; If the student fails to obey this request, the Faculty shall proceed in accordance with the law.
Extraordinary Scholarships
(1) An extraordinary scholarship shall be granted for excellent scientific, research, development, artistic or other creative results contributing to the deepening of the student's knowledge; furthermore, in cases of special consideration, especially for the payment of traveling expenses and participation in pedagogical, scientific, research and advisory activities, reimbursement for work in laboratories, or reimbursement to eliminate obvious social or socio-economic inequality among students.
(2) The Dean may grant an Extraordinary Scholarship in the form of an extraordinary prize in individual cases. These include in particular:
a) The Rector's Prize for Excellent Results in Studies and an Extraordinary Scholarship of 10,000 CZK when the student has reached results average of up to 1.2 inclusive of the whole study period and the State final examinations passed with honours,
b) An Acknowledgment of the Dean for Excellent Results in Studies and an Extraordinary Scholarship of 5,000 CZK when the student has reached results up to 1.5 for the whole study period and at the State final examinations passed with honours,
c) The Dean of the Faculty's Award for an Excellent Diploma Thesis of 5,000 CZK
d) The Dean of the Faculty’s Award for an Excellent Bachelor Thesis of 5,000 CZK
e) Additional awards for students who successfully study and actively engage in scientific research or professional activities.
(3) Talented students in the 1st year who were placed in the top places of national or regional rounds of secondary school Olympiads (Type A subject competitions announced annually by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports according to the pronouncement of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports no. 55/2005 Coll.) In competitions of foreign languages or geography they may receive a scholarship of up to 5,000 CZK a month (in accordance with the Rector's Directive on the Promotion of Talented Candidates for Study at the CZU).
(4) Students who publish an article in which they are the first or corresponding author (with acknowledgment of receipt of the article or a printed copy of the article), in a scientific journal on the Web of Knowledge database with an Impact Factor Index, or in a journal found in the SCOPUS database with a the Scientific Journal Ranking Index, may receive a one-time scholarship of up to 10,000 CZK. The granting of a scholarship may also be decided on the basis that the applicant is the sole author of the article from the CZU.
(5) The granting of an Extraordinary Scholarship does not constitute any legal claim. The decision to grant it, including its amount, shall be decided by the Dean of the Faculty.
Payment of an Extraordinary Scholarship
(1) An Extraordinary Scholarship shall be paid out of the Faculty Scholarship Fund or from other sources if the activity under consideration is directly related to the purpose for which those funds were provided.
(2) The scholarship is paid up to the sum of the funds indicated in paragraph 1 of this article.
(3) The amount for an Extraordinary Scholarship shall be paid after the Dean’s announcement.
(4) An Extraordinary Scholarship according to Article 4 shall be awarded and paid even if the study of a scholarship participant has been interrupted or terminated if the conditions for awarding the scholarship were fulfilled at the time when the participant was a student and in the case of a scholarship awarded based on an application if the application was submitted at the time the participant was a student.
(5) The amount is paid by a one-time bank transfer to the student's account.
(6) In exceptional cases, the scholarship may be paid out in cash at the Dean's decision.
(7) The procedure for awarding an Extraordinary Scholarship is commenced:
a) by the Dean, or by the Rector ex officio, if the scholarship grant is based on the internal regulation of the Faculty or the CZU;
b) by the Dean ex officio, if one of the reasons stated in this regulation has been fulfilled;
c) by the Dean, or the rector, based on a student's request for an Extraordinary Scholarship, submitted in writing to the Academic Administration Office of the Faculty or the Rectorate;
(8) If the procedure is initiated upon a written request from the student, the application shall contain a statement about which scholarship the student requests and for what reasons. In addition, the student shall provide their name, surname, date of birth, study programme and year of study and shall substantiate the application with the relevant documents necessary for the decision. If the application or substantiated documents contain defects, the student shall be asked to remove said defects.
(9) If it emerges that the scholarship has been unduly paid to the student, the student is obliged to return the scholarship so provided on the basis of a written request from the Faculty; If the student fails to obey this request, the faculty shall proceed in accordance with the law.
Accommodation scholarship
(6) An accommodation scholarship shall be granted in accordance with Article 2 (1) c) and Art. 6 of the CZU Scholarship Regulations. General scholarships rules of the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague can be found HERE and HERE.
Social Scholarship
(7) A Social Scholarship shall be granted in accordance with Article 2 (1) d) and Art. 5 of the CZU Scholarship Regulations. General scholarships rules of the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague can be found HERE and HERE.