Our faculty has a team of staff and students dedicated to providing study support services to help you get the most out of your learning experience. The main contact persons for educational and psychological counselling at FTA are:
- Vice-dean for education Ing. Jiří Hejkrlík, Ph.D. (main study counselling coordinator)
- Vice-dean for development Ing. Jana Mazancová, Ph.D. (gender equality, diversity and inclusion, unwanted behaviour and discrimination)
- Mgr. Simona Marková (contact person for students with special needs)
First year students of the Bachelor's study programme can contact their coursework supervisor:
- Study programme ATS (ZTS) - Ing. Tamara Fedorova, Ph.D.
- Study programme ICARD - Ing. Tatiana Ivanova, Ph.D.
We run a system of peer support through student-run buddying and mentoring. Especially foreigner students who need more orientation into a new environment and life in the Czech Republic may contact the student ambassadors of the higher grades HERE (https://www.ftz.czu.cz/en/r-9422-international-relations/r-9559-general-information/r-16847-international-student-centre-faculty-of-tropical-agrisciences/the-international-student-centre-fta.html) or through the email student_ambassadors@ftz.czu.cz