Target Country: | Republic of Uzbekistan and Kazahstan |
Project Coordinator: | Jiří Hejkrlík |
Project Team: | Jaroslav Havlíček, Jana Mazancová, Michaela Garguláková, Helena Šebková (CHES), Vladimír Roskovec (CHES), Jan Beseda (CHES), Michaela Šmídová (CHES) |
Partners: |
Donor: | Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the Europen Union |
Duration of the Project: | 2015 - 2017 |
Aim of the Project:
The project supported with Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union is focused on enhancing capacities in implementation of Bologna process reforms at institutional level at higher education institutions in two Central Asian regions – Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan (partner countries), with the emphasis on internal quality assurance and institutional typology.
The specific project objectives cover:
- mapping of current situation of quality assurance at both levels – individual partner HEIs as well as national level,
- identification of the principles/recommendations of the Bologna process relevant for HEIs in the partner countries,
- interactive trainings,
- transfer of know-how and good practices,
- sharing experience between European HEIs from the Czech Republic, Latvia, Slovakia, Spain and HEIs in partner countries (Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan)
- and stressing the new Bologna process priorities set for its second decade (social issues, information systems).
For investigation of the state of the art of internal structure and missions of each HEI the U-Map methodology is being used. In order to assure introduction of well-developed internal quality assurance systems three levels of evaluations are being applied – self-evaluation of partner HEIs, evaluation of experts of European HEIs participating in the project and evaluation done by external independent evaluator.
Outputs of the project:
The expected outputs of the project include fully trained management staff and implementation of newly developed and/or innovated internal quality assurance systems at HEIs in partner countries.
Contact: Jiří Hejkrlík,