News FTA - WMC

The best Master’s thesis of FTA for academic year 2019/2020
The inter-departmental commission appointed by the Dean's Board of the FTA selected the following best Master’s thesis of students from the AFS, WLM, SRD, IDAE, TCME and TFA programs.
Africa, my second home...
How does Africa become your second home? Is it an advantage to be a female scientist in Africa? These questions will be answered by our Associate Professor, Karolína Brandlová, co-founder of the Wildlife management and Conservation Programme that focuses more on research and species conservation management. Although she originally considered studying the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, the Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences eventually won. And why is Africa so special to her? Scroll down for moree…

Would you like to watch antelopes or other fauna from an airplane?
Take a look through photographs and video in Benin, where our doctoral student Zuzana Holubová is on an internship for almost half a year, and where she is also collecting data for her dissertation thesis.
How many giraffes live in Niger?
Perhaps even more interesting than the number of giraffes is their coexistence with people and livestock in the "tiger bush". Giraffe here are in permanent contact with people, their crops and livestock.