Azamat Azarov

Our alumnus Dr. Azamat Azarov, who successfully finished his PhD study at our faculty in June 2023, has recently been appointed as a Research Fellow at the University of Central Asia in Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic.

Azamat completed his Ph.D. in the programme Sustainable Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics under the supervision of Associate Professor Zbyněk Polesný. His educational journey also includes a Master's degree in Agricultural Economics and Management from the University of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan-Triesdorf in Germany. During his doctoral studies at the Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences, Azamat was an integral part of the Tropical Botany and Ethnobiology Lab (TRIBE) team.

Azamat's research focuses on analysing smallholder farming systems in the contexts of agricultural development, sustainable agriculture, rural development and economics, food security, and agricultural policy.

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