The research group focuses on analyzing the factors that affect the behaviour of actors in the agri-food sector. We aim not only to contribute to the research field but also to provide credible information for policy-makers. Our research is interdisciplinary and mainly based on economic, sociological, and psychological theories. For empirical research, we use standard quantitative and qualitative research methods. Usually, our research is based on questionnaire surveys.
Group leader: Miroslava Bavorová (FTA, CZU)
- Tomáš Ratinger (FTA, CZU and Technology Centre of the Czech Academy of Science)
- Jan Banout (FTA, CZU)
- Jiří Hejkrlík (FTA, CZU)
Post-doctoral researchers:
Associated Researchers :
- Elena V. Ponkina (Altai State University, Russia).
- Ilkay Unay-Gailhard (Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies, Germany).
- Sven Gruener (Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg)
- Jan Těšitel (METCENAS)
- Vilém Semerák (CERGE-EI)
- Zuzana Bednaříková (Purdue University, USA).
- Zuzana Boukalová (FEP, CZU and METCENAS)
- Drini Imami (Agriculture University of Tirana, Faculty of Economy and Agribusiness, Albania
- Edvin Zhllima (Agriculture University of Tirana, Faculty of Economy and Agribusiness, Albania)
Daniele Cavicchioli (Department of Environmental Science and Policy (ESP) – University of Milan)
- Danilo Bertoni (Department of Environmental Science and Policy (ESP) – University of Milan)
In addition to Ph.D. candidates and MSc students. Their names and research topics are found in the research areas section.
Research areas
The research aim of our group is to better understand people’s behaviour in the agri-food sector. This aim is structured around four cross-cutting research areas. Research area 1 – Environment and Agriculture focuses on the study of the adoption and diffusion of “sustainable” innovations, climate change adaptations, and water issues. While research area 2 – Youth, Labour and Migration investigates the intention of young people to live in rural areas and their motivations to work in the agricultural sector. The research area 3 – Compliance deals with law compliance behaviour and food quality and safety issues. Finally, research area 4 – Food Consumption and Food Security explores the food consumption behaviour and food security issues.
In addition to the main research themes, our group conduct the analysis of: Value Chains and Commercialization, Agricultural and Food Policies; Economics of Farm Businesses and Local and Regional Food Systems in Rural and Urban Communities.
Our research extends geographically to cover most of the continents! Current students are conducting their studies in Europe and Russia (Albania, Czech Republic, Moldova, Republic of Macedonia and Russia); Africa (Cameroon, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda, Zimbabwe and Zambia); Asia (Iraq, Nepal, Syria, Vietnam and Yemen); and South America (Colombia).
Currently, PhD and MSc students in our research group are addressing the research areas through their scientific work:
- Environment and Agriculture
- Anh Phuong Nguyen (Coffee Production and Adaptation to Climate Change – Vietnam)
- Binod Gurung (Flood Risk Management – Nepal)
- Iretioluwase Emmanuel Adesida (Agricultural Inputs Policies: E-Wallets – Nigeria)
- Mustapha Yakubu-Madaki (Food Security and Adaptation to Climate Change – Nigeria)
- Pius Nnahiwe (Extension Services – Nigeria and Kenya)
- Steffen Muench (Tea Production and Certification and Adaptation to Climate Change – Nepal)
- Sylvester Amoako Agyemang (Inputs Policies and Impact Analysis – Ghana)
- Olasoji Oluwaseyi (Adaptation Strategies on Climate Change among Maize Farming Households - Nigeria)
- Peter Maes (Behavioral Drivers for adoption of Conservation Agriculture practices among Smallholder Farmers - Albania)
- Youth, Labour and Migration
- Bernard Kwamena Cobbina Essel (Entrepreneurship – Ghana)
- Daria Luchikhina (NEETs and Entrepreneurship – Czech Republic)
- Ibrahim Salman (Factors influencing farm succession – Syria)
- Lenka Hofierková (Job satisfaction in agriculture – Ukraine)
- Yessika Alejandra Garcia (Factors affecting rural-urban migration of youth – Colombia)
- Compliance
- Ugur Guller Andac (Effect of education and training on food safety knowledge by butchers – Turkey)
- Food Consumption and Food Security
- Bulus Barnabas (Child Labour and Food Security – Nigeria)
- Evgenyia Volodina (Consumers Behaviour and Etnocentrism – Russia)
- Giri Prasad Kandel (Food Security and Adaptation to Climate Change – Nepal)
- Kindah Ibrahim (Food Security and Agriculture Linkages – Syria)
- Niga Rzgar Abdalla (Food Security – Iraq)
- Taisir Obad (Food Security – Yemen)
Other Research Topics
- Irene Franceline Mbouwe (Women empowerment in Shea butter value chain – Cameroon)
- Maxim Gorgan (Land Consolidation – Republic of Macedonia)
- Technology Needs Assessment for Azerbaijan (GCP/AZE/012/GCR). Donor: Green Climate Fund (GCF), administrated by FAO Azerbaijan. Duration of the Project: April-December 2021
- COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) - Rural NEET Youth Network: Modeling the risks underlying rural NEETs social exclusion. (2019-2022).
- International Credit Mobility: Syria (2019-2021).
- International Credit Mobility: Albania (2019-2021)
- Bosnia Herzegovina (2019 - 2021) and Ukraine (2019-2021) – Donor: Czech Development Agency
PROVIding smart DElivery of public goods by EU agriculture and forestry. (2017-2019) . onor: EU H2020 research project (together with Tomáš Ratinger).
KULUNDA project. “How to prevent the next "Global Dust Bowl"? Ecological and Economic Strategies for Sustainable Land Management in the Russian Steppes: A Potential Solution to Climate Change”. Duration: 2011-2016. Donor: BMBF (Ministry of Education and Research, Germany).
- Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO), Halle (Saale), Saxony-Anhalt, Germany.
- Martin-Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg, Halle (Saale), Saxony-Anhalt, Germany.
- Institute of Agricultural Economics and Information (IAEI), Prague, Czech Republic.
- Altai State University, Barnaul, Russia.
- Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, School of Agriculture, Greece.
- University of Perugia, Department of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences, Italy.
- Slovak Agricultural University in Nitra, Department of Statistics and Operations Research, Slovak Republic.
- Agriculture University of Tirana, Faculty of Economy and Agribusines, Albania.
- Tishreen University of Latakia, Syria.
- Department of Environmental Science and Policy (ESP) – University of Milan
Books and Chapters in Books
- Bavorova M, ed. 2021. Survey Design. Prague: Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague.
- Bavorová M, Ponkina EV, Herzfeld T, Imamverdiyev N, Baisakova N, Ganzha SV, Hirschauer N. 2020. Transition of Agriculture in Altai Krai: The Role of Structural Change, Introduction of Modern Soil Cultivation Practices and Agricultural Policy. Pages 231-240 in: Frühauf M, Guggenberger G, Meinel T, Theesfeld I, Lentz S, editors. KULUNDA: Climate Smart Agriculture. Innovations in Landscape Research. Springer, Cham. DOI:. 10.1007/978-3-030-15927-6_16
- Ponkina EV, Bavorová M, Lobova SV. 2020. Effect of Legal Form of Agricultural Organizations on Plant Production Efficiency in Russia: The Case of Kulunda Steppe. Pages 241-258 in: Frühauf M, Guggenberger G, Meinel T, Theesfeld I, Lentz S, editors. KULUNDA: Climate Smart Agriculture. Innovations in Landscape Research. Springer, Cham. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-15927-6_17.
- Ponkina EV, Manicheva AS, Bavorová M. 2020. Implications for Administrative Measures: Economic Institutions and Policy. Pages 447-456 in: Frühauf M, Guggenberger G, Meinel T, Theesfeld I, Lentz S, editors. KULUNDA: Climate Smart Agriculture. Innovations in Landscape Research. Springer, Cham. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-15927-6_33.
Peer Reviewed Journal articles
- Abdalla NR, Bavorova M, Gruener S. 2021. Meat Consumption in Transition: The Case of Crisis Region of Iraqi Kurdistan. Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing DOI: 10.1080/08974438.2021.1936332.
- Adesida IE, Nkomoki W, Bavorova M, Madaki MY. 2021. Effects of Agricultural Programmes and Land Ownership on the Adoption of Sustainable Agricultural Practices in Nigeria. Sustainability 13: 7249. DOI: 10.3390/su13137249.
- Agyemang SA, Ratinger T, Bavorová M. 2021. The Impact of Agricultural Input Subsidy on Productivity: The Case of Ghana. The European Journal of Development Research DOI: 10.1057/s41287-021-00430-z
- Bavorova M, Bednarikova Z, Ponkina E, Visser O. 2021. Agribusiness social responsibility in emerging economies: Effects of legal structure, economic performance and managers' motivations. Journal of Cleaner Production 289: 125157. DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.125157.
- Madaki MY, Bavorova M. 2021. Determinants of food safety behaviour among food vendors: the case of Nigeria. British Food Journal. DOI: 10.1108/BFJ-02-2020-0143.
- Muench S, Bavorova M, Pradhan P. 2021. Climate Change Adaptation by Smallholder Tea Farmers: a Case Study of Nepal. Environmental Science & Policy 116: 136-146. DOI: 10.1016/j.envsci.2020.10.012.
- Prishchepov AV, Ponkina EV, Sun Z, Bavorova M, Yekimovskaja OA. 2021. Revealing the intentions of farmers to recultivate abandoned farmland: A case study of the Buryat Republic in Russia. Land Use Policy 107: 105513. DOI: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2021.105513.
- Ratinger T, Čamská K, Pražan J, Bavorová M, Vančurová I. 2021. From elite-driven to community-based governance mechanisms for the delivery of public goods from land management. Land Use Policy 107: 104560. DOI: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2020.104560.
- Bavorová M, Ponkina EV, Imamverdiyev N, Hirschauer N. 2020. Effect of adoption of sustainable crop production systems on farm economics. Environment, Development and Sustainability 22: 6961–6984. DOI: 10.1007/s10668-019-00522-1.
- Bavorova M, Unay-Gailhard I, Ponkina EV, Pilarova T. 2020. How sources of agriculture information shape the adoption of reduced tillage practices?. Journal of Rural Studies 79: 88-101. DOI: 10.1016/j.jrurstud.2020.08.034.
- Bednarikova Z, Bavorova M, Ponkina EV. 2020. Entrepreneurial intention of agriculture undergraduates in Russia. Agricultural and Resource Economics 6: 5-22. DOI: 10.22004/ag.econ.302965.
- Kvartiuk V, Petrick M, Bavorova M, Bednarikova Z, Ponkina E. 2020. A Brain Drain in Russian Agriculture? Migration Sentiments among Skilled Russian Rural Youth. Europe-Asia Studies 72: 1352-1377. DOI: 10.1080/09668136.2020.1730305.
- Brosig S, Bavorova M. 2019. Association of attitudes towards genetically modified food among young adults and their referent persons. PLoS ONE 14: e0211879. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0211879.
- Martino G, Toccateli D, Bavorova M. 2019. An analysis of food safety private investments drivers in the Italian meat sector. Agricultural Economics Czech, 65: 21-30. DOI: 10.17221/352/2017-AGRICECON.
- Nkomoki W, Bavorova M, Banout J. 2019. Factors Associated with Household Food Security in Zambia. Sustainability 11: 2715. DOI: 10.3390/su11092715.
- Yakubu Madaki M, Bavorova M. 2019. Food safety knowledge of food vendors of higher educational institutions in Bauchi state, Nigeria. Food Control 106: 106703. DOI: 10.1016/j.foodcont.2019.06.029.
- Bavorova M, Traikova D, Doms J. 2018. Who are the Farm Shop Buyers? — A Study in Naumburg, Germany. British Food Journal 120: 255-268. DOI: 10.1108/BFJ-02-2017-0055.
- Fietz A, Bavorova M, Grüner S, Hirschauer N. 2018. Compliance with Food Safety Laws in Germany: Food Businesses in Berlin. Law & Policy 40:267-285. DOI: 10.1111/lapo.12105.
- Nkomoki W, Bavorova M, Banout J. 2018. Adoption of sustainable agricultural practices and food security threats: Effects of land tenure in Zambia. Land Use Policy, 78: 532-538. DOI: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2018.07.021.
- Pilarova T, Bavorova M, Kandakov A. 2018. Do farmer, household and farm characteristics influence the adoption of sustainable practices? The evidence from the Republic of Moldova. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 16: 367-384. DOI: 10.1080/14735903.2018.1499244.
- Unay-Gailhard I, Bavorova M, Bednarikova Z, Ponkina EV. 2018. “I don’t want to work in agriculture!” The transition from agricultural education to the labor market in rural Russia. Rural Sociology 84: 315-349. DOI: 10.1111/ruso.12245
Theses & Dissertations
Defended MSc Theses
- Olasoji, O. 2021. Adaptation Strategies on Climate Change among Maize Farming Households in Oyo State, Nigeria [MSc. Thesis]. Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Prague.
- Moyo TT. 2021. Land Access and Youth Participation in Agriculture: The case of Zimbabwe [MSc. Thesis]. Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Prague.
- Garcia Cano YA. 2021. Factors determining farming succession process in Colombia. The case of Chaparral, Tolima [MSc. Thesis]. Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Prague.
- Al Shafi A. 2021. Youth and work in agriculture: the case study in Bangladesh [MSc. Thesis]. Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Prague.
- Vukomba F. 2020. Migration and agriculture [MSc. Thesis]. Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Prague.
- Salman I. 2020. Factors Influencing Intention to Work in Agriculture in Syria – The case of Latakia [MSc. Thesis]. Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Prague.
- Nathalie Asheri Mbuyeh. 2020. Adopting effective strategies to cope with land degradation in Cameroon[MSc. Thesis]. Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Prague.
- Moyo T. 2020. Socioeconomic barriers in the adoption of Holistic land and Livestock Management as a way of combating land degradation for small holder farmers in Zimbabwe [MSc. Thesis]. Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Prague.
- Igbasan B. 2020. Pesticides handling knowledge and practices of smallholder farmers: Case study of Nigeria [MSc. Thesis]. Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Prague.
- Hofierková L. 2020. The prestige of farmer occupations perceived by Russian youth: The case of Altai Krai [MSc. Thesis]. Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Prague.
- Yakubu Madaki M. 2019. Factors affecting the use of food safety practices: A case of Bauchi State, Nigeria [MSc. Thesis]. Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Prague.
- Umar A. 2019. Effects of migration and remittances on agriculture in northern Nigeria: A case study of Bauchi State [MSc. Thesis]. Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Prague.
- Muench S. 2019. Factors influencing the adaptation towards climate change among smallholder tea farmers in Ilam, Nepal. [MSc. Thesis]. Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Prague.
- Abdalla N. 2019. Factors affecting meat consumption in Sulaymaniyah city of Iraqi Kurdistan [MSc. Thesis]. Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Prague.
- Odei M. 2018. Analysis of production efficiency and the impact of extension services and policies on cocoa productivity in the western region of Ghana [MSc. Thesis]. Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Prague.
- Obeng S. 2018. Assessment of Competitiveness of Maize Production and Its Contribution to Food Security in Ghana [MSc. Thesis]. Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Prague.
- Acheampong O. 2018. An assessment of the competitiveness of cassava production in Birim South District of Ghana [MSc. Thesis]. Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Prague.
Defended Ph.D. Dissertations
- Pilařová T. 2019. The effect of international migration on agricultural production patterns: evidence from the Republic of Moldova [Ph.D. Dissertation]. Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Prague.
Associated Professor Miroslava Bavorová
Kamýcká 129
165 00 Praha 6 – Suchdol
Czech Republic.
Phone: +420 22438 2503
Our Twitter account can be found HERE.
Team news
CZU mission to Azerbaijan under FAO project on climate change
This mission within the FAO funded project on climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies in the agricultural sector in Azerbaijan allowed us to have first direct contact with the actors in the field.
Survey Design Book
The new book “Survey Design,” edited by Associate Professor Miroslava Bavorova, is intended to provide masters and doctoral students, as well as academic staff, with basic principles for designing and conducting quantitative questionnaire surveys.
Drivers of Food Security in Kurdistan Region of Iraq
Niga Abdalla, a PhD candidate from our team, shares her experience of data collection from the survey she conducted between May and June 2021 in the Kurdistan region of Iraq. What were the difficulties and the lessons she learned from her survey? Here she explains:
ArchiveCameroon: Shea butter value chain significance for food security and women empowerment
Irene Franceline Mbouwe, has been recently at CIFOR-ICRAF office in Cameroon carrying out her internship and data collection for her dissertation thesis. Her research analyses the significance of the Shea butter value chain on rural household incomes, household food security and women's empowerment in Cameroon.
Kurdistan Region of Iraq: Food security and the role of social safety nets
The research on the main drivers of food security conducted by PhD student Niga Abdalla in Sulaymaniyah Governorate of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. The main aims of the study are to describe the status of food security of households in the study area and to analyse the role of the Public Distribution System on household food security. Furthermore, the study investigates the rural-urban differences and the armed conflict impact on household food security.
Nepal: How climate change affects food security?
Nepal is known as one of the countries that is severely affected by climate change. Climate change had a massive impact on agricultural sector in Nepal, and hence jeopardized its food security.
Nigeria: Farmers satisfaction towards agricultural extension services
Last Spring, our PhD candidate Pius Hiwe went to Oyo State, Nigeria to collect data for his dissertation thesis. His research explores agricultural extension in Nigeria with a focus on farmers’ participation, and satisfaction with extension services. Furthermore, the study also examines job satisfaction of those providing rural advisory and extension services.
Colombia: Farm succession among coffee farmers
Earlier this year, our MSc student Yessika Garcia went to Colombia to collect her data for her maters research. Yessika was investigating the factors affecting the farm succession decision among coffee farmers in the Chaparral region in Colombia.
Ghana: Entrepreneurship in the food and agriculture value chains
Bernard Essel, a PhD student from our group recently came back from Ghana where he conducted his research survey. His study seeks to find out the impact of young entrepreneurs' attributes, start-up capitals, start-up motivation, and corporate social responsibility and their effects on the performance of food businesses in Ghana. The study selected 244 young entrepreneurs engaged in food entrepreneurship within three regions / agroecological zones of Ghana. Data were collected using questionnaires in face-to-face interviews between May 2021-July 2021.