Admission Procedure for Academic Year 2025/26
Why study with us?
Study at the most ecological campus in the Czech Republic which provides the state-of-the-art facilities and is the only campus-based college in Prague as well as the only fair-trade Faculty. You will find everything in one place (brewery, sports facilities with swimming pool, llamas, a year full of events e.g. Miss Agro, Silent Disco, a Wine Festival, Stand UP comedians from Underground Comedy Praha and much more…)
Here are five main reasons to study at FTA:
- MULTICULTURAL ENVIRONMENT: do you want to mingle in with students from 70 different countries? Come and join us in this unique environment in the Czech Republic!
- STUDY IN ENGLISH: do you want to study international development cooperation or become a renowned world expert in tropical agriculture? Do you want to be an expert on the sustainable management of natural resources? Do you want to travel abroad and carry out your research or a project in the field?
- INTERNSHIPS AND RESEARCH PROJECTS ABROAD: do you want to participate in a project abroad? We have projects in Cambodia, Georgia, Senegal and Do you want to cooperate with NGOs and contribute to the reduction of poverty in developing countries?
- EXCELLENT CAREER OPPORTUNITIES: do you want secure a dream gig after graduation? We have 100% employment rate of our graduates.
- MODERN LABS AND RESEARCH TEAMS: do you want to work in the top-notch laboratories of the new Tropical Agriculture Pavilion that will provide premises for medicinal plant research and develop new products for the pharmaceutical industry?
Are you looking for studies that will provide hands-on experience in the field?
If that is what you are seeking, sign up for the Tropics!
The Faculty undertakes to fully respect the principles of non-discrimination during the entire admission procedure and to support and ensure equal access and opportunities for participants from all backgrounds, especially from disadvantaged or vulnerable groups. Further implement a selection process that is fair, transparent, and documented, and ensure equal opportunities for participants.
What can I study?
You can get your bachelor´s degree right after graduation. The academic degree Bc. is awarded upon completion of a course of study lasting three years and then you get your diploma.
The Faculty offers two bachelors´degree programmes:
- this programme is taught predominantly in Czech language with some lectures in English
- focused on tropical crop production, animal husbandry and rural development with a wide range of elective courses to choose from, based on your preferences
- for complete programme description and all the areas of concentration click HERE.
International Cooperation in Agricultural and Rural Development
- as the name suggests, this programme is taught in English and focuses on rural development and agriculture and teaches students how to prepare and manage projects as well as how to ensure food security in developing countries
- for complete programme description and a full list of courses you can study click HERE.
If you hold a bachelor´s degree (either from the FTA or anywhere else) you are eligible to apply for a two-year master´s programme and receive the academic title Ing.
The Faculty offers the following master´s programmes in English:
- International Development and Agricultural Economics
- Agri-food Systems and Rural Development
- Tropical Crop Management and Ecology
- Tropical Forestry and Agroforestry
- Wildlife and Livestock Production, Management and Conservation
- Tropical Farming Systems
- Tropical Agroecology (online programme)
FEES per each year commenced:
- 8 000,- CZK for EU applicants and 25 000,- CZK for non-EU applicants
- 13 000,- CZK for EU applicants and 60 000,- CZK (regular fee per academic year for the programme Tropical Farming Systems) for non-EU applicants
- 110 000,- CZK ~ 4620,- EUR (regular fee per academic year for the programme Tropical Agroecology)
If spending 5 years on a graduate programme does not suit you and you are nursing ambitions of pursuing a Ph.D., feel free to apply.
How to apply?
Start the procedure by submitting an online application here:
For applicants abroad, we recommend sending the application as soon as possible after the opening of the admission procedure so that there is enough time to process the visa. The application deadline for applicants abroad is usually around 12th December.
Payment for application: a handling fee of 750 CZK must be made also by the end of the application deadline. Details of the payment methods are described in the electronic information system in the admissions section or on the FTA website.
If you have not managed to submit your application during the first period, you can try within the 2nd period of the admission procedure by the end of March. However, if you need a visa to study in the Czech Republic, you can get into a time crunch. Please note that the Supplementary period of entrance examinations allows only an oral interview without the possibility of videoconferencing for applicants abroad.
What about the admission procedure?
If you were working hard at high school and achieved an average grade up to 1.6 in the last year of study (or on your Certificate of Higher Education), formal entry requirements are waived for you (but do not forget to fill in the application form)!
For all the remaining applicants, entry tests apply, based on the eligible programs.
If an applicant for any of the study programme in English cannot come personally to the admission procedure due to a long-term stay abroad, he/she may apply to the Dean for participation in the admission procedure via video conference. However, this form of admission procedure must be applied for at the latest by submitting an application in the University Information System.
Tropical Agriculture (this study programme is in Czech only): tests from Biology and English (and for foreigners also Czech language test). For complete information on the admission procedure click HERE.
International Cooperation in Agriculture and Rural Development: the program requires you to pass a test in world Global Geography and English, submit your CV, and a list of grades. For complete admission requirements go HERE.
Would you like to know what the tests look like? Check out these documents (admission procedure).
The entrance examination usually takes place in early June. Do not forget to follow this link that will provide you with all the information about the exact day of your exam as well as about the results. Please bring your ID or passport to the entrance exam and if you get the green light, do not forget to enrol.
For master´s degree programs we run oral exams – complete information about the entrance exams is HERE.
What can I become if I choose the FTA?
Our graduates are hitting the world equipped with hands-on experience! By studying at the FTA, you will gain a lot of practical skills including language skills. This is the reason why up to 100% of our graduates find employment in the job market.
If you are interested in international development cooperation, you can work in Czech or international organizations (ČRA, FAO, UNDP etc.) as an expert advisor or foreign development project coordinator or specialist.
Further employment opportunities lie within government, e.g. in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or Ministry of Agriculture (MZV, MZe) or other state institutions in the field of agricultural management and development and the evaluation of agricultural policy in developing countries.
You can become a consultant in botanical or zoological gardens, specialized horticulture or national parks not only in the Czech Republic but also in Africa or anywhere in the world. Your expertise can come in handy also in private companies dealing in commodities, trading in tropical countries, agriculture, manufacturing, consultancy or education.
If scientific research is your path, you can join scientific centres focused on innovation in the field of tropical crops and animal husbandry. Or why not aim at becoming a university teacher in the Czech Republic or abroad? You might need to pursue a Ph.D. title for that career :)
Bachelor graduates usually find employment in practical activities, such as development project implementation, while holders of Ing or Ph.D. titles tend to acquire positions in management, research, education and consulting. Check out stories of some of our graduates for inspiration HERE or find more information HERE.
Practical Information
- How to get to CZU?
- How to manage visa and nostrification?
- How to get the scholarship?
- Contact for applicants -